"She came out! Right Nana?" - Evan (big brother)

"i made that. it's for you." -Evan

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Saturday, June 1, 2013

spanish 001

its absolutely pathetic i cannot speak read write spanish. so i'll have to change that... rosetta stone. it's been a busy morn'g so far, swimming (2 laps, guh), breakfast shake (bleh), cleaning (sucks), final draft and rosetta stone on this badboy i haven't named yet. badical jones is my ipone's handle, my "gamertag" is blackjesus, so i figure i'll be needing something similar for their older orhpan sister. since it came from a sista.


wild child - i'll figure you out


Saturday, May 25, 2013


a dope beat to step to

been a long time, i shouldn't've left you.

Storm and coffee. i feel like i don't remember how to write, which implies at some point i could. sirens wail from the vocal chords of a 5 years, yes... Evan is now 5. he's a quip little shit his father. somehow i talked him into eating an egg. my morning is accomplished, and i haven't even finished my first cup of coffee. gotta go - kids have pictures and my breathe reeks, i can taste my own bad breath and i didn't even smoke cigarettes last night. i did watch bond, and of course feel inadequate.

a fight almost broke out between the 2 yr old and the 5 yr old. over eggs. that neither of them wanted. i have restored the peace by encouraging them to share... i'm on fucking fire right now. i'm quitting while i'm a head. pictures to come for your radical enjoyment soon.

i got a laptop, and it was free... i pimped out the keyboard and installed a battery - it's the shit. it's rockin. not it's not an i-whatever - but i'm happy to have friends willing to gift a friend someone else's old computer shit. it's awesome. they get a bottle of japanese whiskey - Hakashu. not a bad trade if i do say so myself.

miles davis pandora.

I made the older one say miles davis b/c i thought it was important he knew the name.

it's raining right now, and it's almost perfect... we've missed you rain - please stay in Austin a little longer.


Thursday, May 23, 2013

hell to the yeh!

i gotz a new laptop! soooh-WHEEEET!! thanks bitchbang and Chris!