"She came out! Right Nana?" - Evan (big brother)

"i made that. it's for you." -Evan

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

twilight zone

"chocolate mess"

... and it means exactly what you think it means. thus far, my favorite phrase that i've learned since i've been in Texas.

its a chocolate mess in bakersfield. that's what "HW" would call it. just real fuckin shitty shit storm down there in b town.

that must be why i'm getting a visit from Ma - right after my gramma passes...

see ya soon with pictures - and try to watch purple rain again cause it's AWESOME!


1 comment:

Hairy Soap said...

Bitch please. Cali can only have one B-town it's Berkeley in the biggity biggity.

I still don't get "chocolate mess" though.