listening to: the shins (on shuffle)
hey-o. i made a playlist for you.
it has been an extremely tumultuous first few weeks, Evan is a totally awesome baby. - last night he slept the whole night through, and that's a SUPER rarity. i think a lot about what i'm supposed to be doing now as a dad, and i gotta say - most of the time i feel like i should be doing more (but i don't know of what more i could possibly do - it confuses me - but not really).
i feel like i should have something to write about, but really i don't. it's like all my thoughts of quirky stupid shit are filled up with work/baby/chores(including eating)/baby/sleep/baby..etc.
not that i'm whining about it (but i AM totally whining) i just wish i had a few moments to dwell on all the people and situations that i am exposed to. - and have a beer with it. but mostly i'm amused by reflections of my past nights flatulence in my slumber, courtesy of my wife.
she balls up her little fist and gives it to me in the ribs, right good. fuckin aye - that shit hurts, but supposedly she tries to wake me "gently" for an hour prior to kickin' the shit out of me in my sleep.
oh well, i go right to sleep immediately after that anyway.
moving on, we took Evan to his first PUB last saturday, he was excited. we split a black and tan, and I gave him some of my onion rings. Sarah and I were extremely impressed, and he also got the hot bartender's digits. and on the way out some haggard-looking scenster dufus chick made a comment about a baby in the bar.
Mind you - nobody else seemed to mind. Just the squinty-eyed-freckel-faced-mullet-having-dumpy-chick who was blocking a seemingly wide enough exit that any normal sized pontiac could have fit through sideways.
she was kind enough to enlighten us on how my kid couldn't be in the pub, but all the other toddlers on the pub patio drinking and playing toddler drinking games could.
whut the fuck? hell yeh - i took my baby to a pub, he liked it! we're going back. both of us are going to fart in that hoe-bag's delicious lager, then evan's gonna take off his diaper and fling it at her big-flat-face.
i hope she enjoys hot-steaming-baby-funk on those sausage pack looking neck/throat rolls, it might get all tangled up in that pre-pubescent wiry beard she had.
then we are going to sit down and have beer batter fish and chips, maybe play guitar hero later. have a great time drinking arrogant bastard!
mom will play halo with us when she sleeps of her drunken slumber.
note: we only become extremely intoxicated when we are caring for our son, most of the time we are responsible and hard-working adults.